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“Play to Learn: Best Coding Toys for Kids

“Play to Learn: Best Coding Toys for Kids

In this digital age, monitoring and managing your children’s computer time is an important part of parenting. As screens become more prevalent in our lives, it is important that parents understand how technology works and can help their children develop a positive relationship with screens.

get started

Screen time, including time spent on phones, apps, computers and television, has a huge impact on children’s growth and learning. The digital world has a huge impact on children’s lives. It can change their behavior and sleep habits. As a parent, you need to know how to monitor your child’s screen time to ensure your child has a healthy, well-rounded childhood.


Find out how much time you can spend on screens

Depending on your child’s age, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a certain amount of computer time. For example, children aged 2 to 5 should not spend more than one hour a day in front of a screen. Exceeding these limits can have many negative consequences, such as study delays, behavioral problems and sleep problems.


What good content does for you?

Screen time isn’t quite the same. Parents should ensure that their children view useful material that is age-appropriate. Finding high-quality materials means looking for programs, apps and games that meet educational goals and contribute to learning and entertainment.


Set technical limits

It is important to set clear rules for computer time. Strictly following these rules can help children understand boundaries and encourage them to develop better screen habits. Parents prepare children to use technology in a structured and responsible way by setting limits on screen time and telling them what will happen if they exceed those limits.


Let people do things offline

Finding a balance between screen time and other tasks is important for a child’s overall development. To ensure that your child has a good childhood, encourage him to do things such as reading, playing outside, and making art. These options not only reduce screen time, but also help your physical and mental health.


Child safety features and display

In this digital world, parental settings and tracking tools are very important. There are several apps and software that parents can use to block inappropriate material, set time limits, and monitor their children’s online behavior. By using these tools, children can be safer from potential Internet threats.


set a good example

Children learn by watching their parents’ behavior, and the amount of time parents spend on screens has a major impact on how they behave. Being aware of the time you spend in front of a screen and showing a healthy balance are important parts of responsible digital use. By doing things together without a computer, relationships in real life become much more important.


Learning games and apps

There are many educational apps and games to help kids learn, so not all computer time is a bad thing. Parents should look for educational materials that are age-appropriate for their children. Finding the right balance between fun and learning is important for a good screen time experience.


Open communication channels with children

It’s important to have open, non-judgmental conversations about screen time. Let children talk about their feelings, experiences and any concerns they have. This open dialogue builds trust and allows parents to address problems before they arise.


Sleep and screen time

Spending too much time on the computer, especially before going to bed, can make it difficult to fall asleep. Having a bedtime mode that doesn’t involve screens, such as reading or telling a story, can help children relax and prepare for a good night’s sleep.


Create a place without technology

Reserve technology-free spaces in your home so your family can spend time together without computers. Bedrooms and dining rooms can be reserved as areas where electronics are not allowed. This makes it easier to have deep conversations and spend real-time time together.


Dealing with issues on social media

As children get older, it is normal for children to use social media. Parents should ensure that their children know how to use social media safely, and how to deal with issues such as abuse and privacy issues. An open dialogue is still very important when using social media.


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