Home Parenting Tracking Baby’s Growth: Milestones Unveiled

Tracking Baby’s Growth: Milestones Unveiled

Tracking Baby’s Growth: Milestones Unveiled

get started
By monitoring your baby’s growth, you can enjoy the amazing journey you are on as a parent. This guide outlines the important steps you need to take during this wonderful time. From your first smile to your first step, every moment is a reason to celebrate. Let’s explore how to survive this amazing journey.

Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing

When you’re pregnant, the excitement begins as you bond with your baby for the first time. Learn about the first sensations and signs that mark the beginning of this amazing journey.


When your happiness comes, welcome it!

The moment your baby is born is unique. Learn about the feelings, challenges, and tremendous blessings that come with having a baby.


Track your baby’s growth milestones

Capturing your baby’s growth is an exciting journey full of magical moments.


What a great first year it was!

Watch the miraculous changes that occur in your baby during his first year of life. Every milestone, from the first word to the first step, begins a new story.


Baby language: giggles and laughs

Learn how to read your baby’s smiles and giggles as he begins to express his happiness and joy with sweet smiles and giggles.


Crawling adventure: path to freedom

Check out the crawling stages, an important step in helping your baby become more mobile and independent.


The music of language: a baby’s first words

The world of your baby’s first words is full of magic. Discover the fun of communicating with your kids as they start talking.


Early childhood: understanding the world

As your baby grows, a whole new world of discovery and learning awaits.


Toddlers win: from first steps to falls

Enjoy the wonderful things that come with being a baby, from the first wobbly steps to the fun falls that come with this exciting age.


The terrible twos: dealing with problems

Find ways to tackle problems that arise during the “terrible twos,” a developmental period when children are very curious and want to be independent.


Expert opinion: promoting healthy growth

For healthy growth, you need expert advice to find ways to monitor the different stages of your baby’s growth.


Nutritional boost: Promotes growth

Check out these feeding tips to ensure your baby gets all the nutrients he needs for normal growth and development.


How to Sleep Better: Why Rest is Important

Find out why good sleep habits are important and what you can do to improve your baby’s overall health.


Frequently Asked Questions

Discover the answers to the most common questions parents ask about monitoring their child’s growth.


When does a baby start drooling?

Most babies start teething around six months of age. Watch for signs such as increased drooling and chewing cravings.


What should I do to help my baby learn to crawl?

To get your baby moving, keep toys out of his reach and make sure the environment is safe and fun.


What are the first words most children say?

The most commonly used first words are ‘mom’, ‘dad’ and simple words that refer to everyday things.


What should I do if my baby keeps refusing to eat?

Yes, it is normal for children to decide for themselves what they eat. Be patient and offer a variety of healthy options.


How long should there be a gap between baby food and solid food?

Start feeding solid food at about six months. Start with foods that contain only one ingredient and work your way up to foods with more flavors.


How many hours does the child sleep per day?

For optimal growth, young children need 11 to 14 hours of sleep, including naps.


In summary

Monitoring your baby’s growth is a journey full of happiness, challenges and many precious moments. Enjoy every milestone, laugh and cherish the memories. As you grow older, may the memorable experiences you experience bring you endless joy and love.